§ 4-91. Authority granted by construction plan approval.  

Latest version.
  • Approval of construction plans by the responsible person, committee, or board shall constitute a development permit, which constitutes authority for:


    The installation of approved improvements in substantial accordance with approved plans and conditions of approval, provided that any activities requiring other governmental approvals or permits shall not be commenced until such approvals or permit have been obtained. Prior to construction of any development where the construction plans were designed and engineered based on the proposed construction of an abutting development, the developer shall provide one of the following to the building official or the city council's designee:


    A statement that the site has been reviewed and the construction plan, as approved, needs no modifications to accommodate the existing field conditions.


    Revised construction plans to accommodate the existing field conditions.


    The issuance of building permits for and construction of buildings or structures in the area for which class I or class II development construction plans have been approved. No final inspection or certificate of occupancy shall be issued until after completion of all approved improvements. In the case of class III developments, no building permit shall be issued prior to record plat approval except:


    Where the record plat requirements have been waived; or


    For model center dwellings or noncommercial clubhouse structures, provided that the requirements of concurrency in accordance with this Land Development Code have been met. A certificate of occupancy for such uses may be issued provided that all those approved improvements necessary to service the structures are complete or ensured as otherwise provided in this Land Development Code.


    In the case of subdivisions, the developer shall apply for record plat approval prior to issuance of any building permit except as provided for in this Land Development Code.

(Ord. No. 05-536, § 303.06D, 12-20-2005)