§ 4-90. Content of construction plans.  

Latest version.
  • Construction plans shall, at a minimum, conform to the following requirements:


    Plan requirements. The construction plans shall be drawn to a scale of one-inch to 50 feet or larger (or other scale, if approved by the building official or the city council's designee in writing prior to submittal) and shall be submitted with the engineering specifications for the following improvements:


    Existing and proposed water supply and/or distribution system.


    Horizontal and vertical alignments shall be shown graphically (in the plan profile) of existing and proposed sanitary sewage collection and/or treatment system.


    Drainage facilities, showing horizontal and vertical alignments, shall be shown graphically (in the plan profile) of both natural and manmade systems (e.g., storm sewer systems and retention/detention ponds). The cover sheet of the construction plan shall provide a statement indicating whether the drainage plan provided was based on the existing field conditions of the abutting property or was based on the proposed development design of the abutting property.


    Proposed design speed, vertical and horizontal alignment, pavement cross section, structural components, design calculations, and names of all streets.


    Base flood elevation, when available, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency current Florida Insurance Rate Map panel reference.


    Pedestrian and bicycle facilities.


    Parks and open space.


    Existing contour lines, at a maximum of two-foot intervals, and proposed lot grades.


    Proposed landscaping and any required buffers.




    Traffic control device plan showing all required signs and pavement markings and informational signs, i.e., street signs.


    The plans shall certify that the roadway system is in substantial conformance with the Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Streets and Highways, State of Florida, in effect at the time the plans were prepared.


    Fire protection system.


    All sheets shall be signed, sealed, and dated by a state registered engineer.


    Master plan showing lot lines, minimum lot sizes, lot numbers and phasing designating each phase by number or letter, with a heavy line border, at a scale appropriate with the size of the tract


    Any other items required that are necessary for review prior to approval of the construction plans for the subject development.


    Engineer calculations, if required . When deemed necessary, the building official or the city council's designee may require the submission of engineering calculations in support of any of the proposed construction plans and specifications submitted under this Land Development Code. When construction of improvements is complete, a set of record construction drawings signed and sealed by a state registered engineer shall be submitted to the building official or the city council's designee. Record construction drawings shall show all those changes from the approved construction drawings.

(Ord. No. 05-536, § 303.06C, 12-20-2005)