§ 4-220. Submission, review, and approval procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The developer shall submit up to six copies of the model center plans to the building official or the city council's designee for processing.


    Technical review of the model center plans shall proceed as follows:


    Upon receipt, the building official or the city council's designee shall have 40 days to formulate technical review comments on the development application. The developer shall be notified immediately thereafter of the technical review comments.


    The developer shall have 180 days to respond to the technical review comments and submit the requested additional or revised information.


    Upon receipt of the additional or revised information, the building official or the city council's designee shall have 14 days to review the additional or revised information. At the end of such timeframe, the building official or the city council's designee shall either finalize his determination or request additional information concerning the response to the technical review comments.


    The building official or the city council's designee shall be responsible for approving or disapproving all model center plans. The building official or the city council's designee shall not approve any model center plans until said plans satisfactorily comply with this Land Development Code and the comprehensive plan. In disapproving any model center plans, the responsible person, committee, or board shall provide reasons for such action, making reference to specific sections of this Land Development Code. Prior to approval or disapproval, the building official or the city council's designee shall determine whether said plans:


    Meet the requirements of the land use and zoning classification applicable to the subject property;


    Are consistent with this Land Development Code;


    Provide design features which address the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare;


    Are consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies set forth in the comprehensive plan; and


    Provide for necessary public improvements or facilities.


    Such determination shall be made in writing. Said determination shall specify provisions, standards, conditions, or design specifications which must be met in order to ensure compliance with the standards set forth in this Land Development Code and the comprehensive plan.

(Ord. No. 05-536, § 303.11B, 12-20-2005)