Port Richey |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 4-27. Preliminary site plan for class I and class II developments.
Projects which qualify as class I or class II developments shall submit a preliminary site plan, drawn at a readable scale and signed and sealed by a state registered engineer, showing:
A legend, title, and number of revision, date of preliminary site plan and revisions, scale of plan, north arrow, acreage in the project, and the name, address, and telephone number of developer, owner, surveyor, and engineer.
Location map showing the relationship between the area proposed for development and surrounding developments or lots, including a current aerial photograph, which in no case shall be older than that available at the county property appraiser's office, with boundaries of development and roadway layout delineated. The location map shall show all county and city functionally classified roadways established by the respective jurisdictions' comprehensive plans within one mile of the development boundary.
Legal description, sufficient to describe the size and location of the project site.
Phasing plan, if applicable, designating each phase by number or letter, and a heavy line border at a scale appropriate with the size of the project site.
The names, locations, right-of-way widths, and pavement statuses (i.e., dirt, limerock, concrete, asphalt, etc.) of all existing streets, platted or recorded easements, other rights-of-way, and platted streets within 100 feet of the proposed development.
Existing storm sewers, potable water facilities, and sewerage facilities on or abutting the tract within 100 feet.
Other existing structures or uses on the project site with a statement as to their intended use.
Configuration of that portion of abutting developments within 100 feet, with preliminary plan approval or, if platted, with plat book and page number shown.
If individual lot sewage disposal is proposed to be utilized, a map indicating the distribution of soil types, categorized using the soil conservation service's classification, and their limiting factors as they relate to the intended land use scheme.
Existing contours at a maximum of two-foot intervals, based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, or its successor, identifying the site to be developed and, where practicable, extending a minimum 100 feet beyond the site boundary.
Present land use classification and zoning of parcels proposed for development and abutting land. Plans may not be processed for review without appropriate land use classification and/or zoning.
Approximate location and acreage of natural features, including lakes, marshes or swamps, watercourses, and other jurisdictional areas.
Tree data meeting the requirements of this Land Development Code.
Proposed building heights, number of floors, intended uses, and finished floor elevations.
Calculations showing the number of parking spaces required and a statement as to the number of parking spaces provided.
The type of paving surface proposed for use on-site.
Proposed streets, if any, with the name, location, width, proposed classification and design standards, and typical design cross sections with a description of pavement as required by this Land Development Code.
Proposed and existing platted or recorded easements or rights-of-way for drainage, pedestrian ways, bridle paths or bicycle paths, etc., including location, width, design criteria, and purpose within 100 feet of the proposed development.
A statement identifying the supplier of the potable water facilities, sewage facilities, fire service, and electrical service. The developer shall notify the appropriate electric utility in advance of its intent to request service and provide confirmation to the city of service availability prior to preliminary site plan approval.
Method of fire protection (e.g., hydrants, tanks, etc.).
The base flood elevation, where available, and delineation of flood zones superimposed on the preliminary site plan in accordance with the latest flood insurance rate map published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the latest study as accepted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Drainage concept with direction of flow and method of disposition indicated, along with a general description of the relationship of the proposed drainage system to the natural drainage system and adjacent properties.
Dates of rezonings, special exceptions, variances, conditional uses, or vested rights that have been granted, if applicable.
Identity and designation of any historic resources or sites within the proposed development as identified by the city comprehensive plan.
A complete evaluation of the development proposal's impact on employment, schools, fire, police, and health services, and hurricane evacuation.
Proof of ownership or legal interest.
A traffic impact study.
Prior to conducting any study, a methodology statement shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted for review and approval by the city or its consultants. The applicant will revise its methodology statement based upon the agreed upon methodology. The applicant will ensure the consultant does not prepare a traffic study without an approved methodology statement signed by the appropriate city representative.
A traffic impact study is required for new preliminary plans, expired preliminary plans, or amendments to any existing preliminary plans.
A single development includes any development that is part of the same zoning plan, preliminary plan or plat or other unified or common plan of development, as determined by the city or its consultant.
A traffic impact study and a substandard road analysis shall not be required for any single development demonstrating that it is de minimus, as that term is defined in F.S. § 163.3180. All projects requesting development approval shall conduct a transportation study to determine if the impacts of the development will cause any roadway within the city to fall below the adopted level of service.
(Ord. No. 05-536, § 303.04C, 12-20-2005)