§ 2-111. Action of the board of adjustment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The board of adjustment shall make its recommendation concerning all matters brought before it in the form of a resolution. In rendering such recommendation, the board of adjustment, in its discretion, may recommend approval, approval with additional conditions, or denial of any application for special exception use or variances. Said recommendation shall be rendered upon the conclusion of all testimony and public comment at the public hearing and shall be determined by a majority vote of a constituted quorum at said meeting of the board of adjustment.


    All decisions of the board of adjustment shall be made in open session, and the decision approving, approving with additional conditions and safeguards, or denying any application shall not be valid unless it is incorporated into the minutes of the meeting at which such action is taken. A record of all actions of the board of adjustment on special exception or variance uses shall be maintained within the office of the city clerk.

(Ord. No. 05-536, § 301.34, 12-20-2005)